



I am trying to create a liquid web layout using % for as many things as i can. I have hit a bump when resizing images.


<img src="source" style="width: 20%; height: 20%;"/>


.wall_picture_block img{
width: 20%; 
height: 20%;

don't work properly with the height attribte. They resize the image width to 20% of the container but the height stays relative to the image size.(im trying to make squares)


You should crop the image. Once you use a % for width or height, I think the browser tries to preserve the aspect ratio, regardless of the value for the other dimension.

+1  A: 

The percentages in height and width attributes of an image works with the container it is contained in. So to achieve the fluid effect just trying putting in a container around the img and give image height and width: 100%. and now you should be changing the height and width of the container in percentages. Here's an example

<div style="width: 500px; height: 100px;">
   <img src="your-image-link-here" style="height: 100%; width: 100%;">

With this your image will achieve a height and width of 500 * 100.


<div id="wrapper" style="border: 1px solid red; width: 900px; height: 400px;">
  <div id="imgcontainer" style="width: 100%; height: 50%;">
     <img src="ur-img" style="height: 100%; width: 100%;">

Example with a wrapper and the container with the percentages.

what if the container is a % of the wrapper?
yeah it will work. the container is a <div> and takes dimensions any which ways: %ages or pixels.
It works on helloworld with images from folder but not with images from db, it still makes em all different shapes. Any idea why?
Can you put up the part of the code that gets the images from db, may then I might be able to suggest a solution then. If I presume that you are just getting the image path from the database and putting it up in the 'src' attribute of the image then there should be no problem.
Meher Ranjan
while($i < $rowNums){ ?> <a href="getImages.php?ImageID= <?php echo mysql_result($rslt,$i,"ImageID"); ?>" rel="lightbox[all]"><img src="getImages.php?ImageID= <?php echo mysql_result($rslt,$i,"ImageID"); ?>"/></a> <?php $i++;
its all unformatted but essentially yeah, i use 2 files, one to get all ids and one to get the image based on the get thats sent to the file as src to get this: <a href="getImages.php?ImageID= 4" rel="lightbox[all]"><img src="getImages.php?ImageID= 4"/></a>