Status Quo
For our customer we are developing some libraries and applications that run as "modules" within a larger application that is delivered as a internal Java Web Start application. The customer maintains the infrastructure that this application is run on. The "server side" is made up of a few web services based on Axis2. Both parts are deployed to a single Tomcat instance as two separate web applications.
When we are releasing new versions of our artifacts, we just produce the necessary JAR files (e.g. ourapp-client.jar and ourapp-server.jar) and send them to our customer who in turn just drops them into the appropriate places and--if need be--restarts the Tomcat server.
We are currently Maven-izing all of our projects and in the future we also want to do our releases in a "Maven way". The main goal is to automate the release and deployment process on our side and make it less error prone and more reliable and comfortable on the client side.
Main problem
The tricky part is that our customer uses the same Tomcat web applications (Axis2 for the "server side" and the Web Start app) to include their self-developed modules into the application. So we cannot use the obvious solution and just deliver a fresh web app (WAR) that simply gets deployed into the server. That is why we are currently delivering single JAR files that are put "by hand" into the right location.
What strategies do you in general use for delivering your products to your customer? Does someone have had any experiences with a similiar situation (i.e. shared runtime environment for 3rd party and self developed applications)?
Thanks for any hints!