



Hi! I wrote an application which uses sqllite via coredata. It works fine on simulator or being installed on a device from xcode. I need to provide a test version of application to some other people like ui designer or QA. I decided to use Cydia for this task. Although it installs fine it can't initialize persistentStoreCoordinator: addPersistentStoreWithType returns nil and error object reports Cocoa Error 258 (it looks like NSFileReadInvalidFileNameError, am i right?). What's wrong with cydia installation? Did anybody encounter such issue? Is there any other way to distribute an application among a group of people (not for everyone in appstore)? I suppose ad-hoc is not my case since they all live in different places.

+1  A: 

There's another solution if you want to distribute your application : the AdHoc method.

This links describe how to set up the environment for beta tester :

All you need from their iPhone is there UDID (Universal Device ID) and you can get this ID from there :

The only one restriction is you can only manage 100 beta tester / year

(I know that's not the main subject, but why accessing SQLite using core Data ? This link can help :

+1 He needs to use the approved method for beta testing. In answer to your last question, he is probably using Core Data with an SQL store.
Thanks, for answer. I for some unknown reason thought that AdHoc Apps can be installed only via developer's Mac. Fortunately i was wrong. AdHoc works for me pretty well now.