Okay so I"m writing a program (in C++) that is supposed to take a number, go through it, find out if it's factors are prime, if so add that to a sum, and then output the sum of all of the imputed number's prime factors.
My program successfully seems to do this however it has 2 problems,
1) The number I am supposed to test to see the sum of the prime factors of this number (600851475143) but it's too big for an int. I'm not sure what other variable type to use, or which variable's types to change. I would really like a clear explanation on this if at all possible.
2) For some reason, when the program checks to see if 1 is a factor of the number, and then checks to see if 1 is prime, it says 1 is prime, even though the first step of the function for checking to see if it's prime is that if it's 1 then it isn't prime. I found a fix for this, by telling it to subtract 1 from the very last value for the sum of all prime factors. However, this is a fix, not really finding the problem. If someone could point out at least where the problem is I would appreciate it!
Here's the code, if you have questions, please ask!
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
bool prime (int recievedvalue) { //starts a function that returns a boolean with parameters being a factor from a number
int j =1;
int remainderprime = 0;
bool ended = false;
while (ended == false){ //runs loop while primality is undetermined
if (recievedvalue == 1){ //if the recieved value is a 1 it isn't prime
//not prime
break; // breaks loop
return false;
remainderprime=recievedvalue%j; //gives a remainder for testing
if ((remainderprime==0 && j>2) && (j!=recievedvalue || j == 4)){ //shows under which conditions it isn't prime
//not prime
return false;
else if (j==1){
else if ( recievedvalue==2 || j==recievedvalue ){ // shows what conditions it is prime
ended = true;
return true;
else {
int multiple(int tbfactor){ //factors and then checks to see if factors are prime, then adds all prime factors together
//parameter is number to be factored
int sum = 0;
bool primetest = false;
int remainderfact;
int i=1;
while (i<=tbfactor){ //checks if a i is a factor of tbfactor
if (remainderfact==0){ //if it is a factor it checks if it is a prime
primetest = prime(i);
if (primetest ==true){ //if it is prime it add that to the sum
sum += i;
sum --; // for some reason it always ads 1 as a prime number so this is my fix for it
return sum;
int main()
int input;
int output;
cout << "Enter number to find the sum of all it's prime factors: ";
cin >> input;
output = multiple(input);
cout << output;
return 0;
I'm really new to this, like a few days or so, so I'm very unfamiliar with stuff right now so please explain easily for me! I look forward to your help! Thanks!