



Hi, I've been searching the web for information about a Net Framework I can use to "take it and keep it" from now on in my projects, and I've almost made a decision, but I would like some reference about what direction the market is moving on. I can't find anything in google about which is the most used, which one have the most future, etc. I've been reading about other Frameworks too (Castle, Nhibernate, CSLA), but these 2 (Spring Net & EntLib) seem to be the more robust to me. Do you have references I can consult???



I think it comes down to whether you want to stick with what Microsoft gives you or not.

If you're 100% Microsoft, perhaps it'd be best to stick with EF.

Speaking as a Java developer with long Spring experience, I think it's a terrific framework. It's getting excellent traction on the Java side. They've been purchased by VMWare, so they've got solid financial backing.

But they aren't Microsoft. That can be a plus or a minus. Only you can decide how much you value that.
