



I have a query that is executed on a remote database:

select /*+ DRIVING_SITE(rd) */ 'test' as tst, from mytable@remotedb rd

When I execute this query I get:

ORA-22992: cannot use LOB locators selected from remote tables

Every column in mytable@remotedb is either INTEGER or VARCHAR2.

If I remove 'test' as tst there is no problem, so it appears the static string 'test' is somehow being formatted as a CLOB rather than the VARCHAR2 I assumed it would.

Do I need to cast this to a VARCHAR2? This seems odd... is there a better way to create static return strings in a query that ensures they will be VARCHAR2?

+1  A: 

Not sure, but I notice that the query selects "" from the remote table, but the alias of the remote table is "rd".

Try the following:

select /*+ DRIVING_SITE(rd) */ 'test' as tst, from mytable@remotedb rd

I hope this helps.

Bob Jarvis
@Bob Jarvis: Oops... was just a typo in my question, but good catch.
@RenderIn - kinda thought so, but figured it was worth mentioning. FWIW, I ran a more-or-less equivalent test and found that under 11G no problems were reported.
Bob Jarvis
+1  A: 

I suspect the error has nothing to do with LOBs, and I suspect you're right that this is an Oracle bug. Try the workaround (i.e. replace the ANSI syntax with the older Oracle syntax) and if it works, that's probably what you'll have to put up with until you upgrade the database.

Jeffrey Kemp
Oracle syntax fixed it, but it's not a very pretty sight. Since my data is so closely tied to that in the remote database I've decided to migrate everything there.