I am looking at accessing the user who owns the content_type of a posted comment
Currently I can access the user who posts, the comment, however I would like to notify the person who owns the item...
I tried doing user = comment.content_type.user
but I get an error.
In my main __init__.py
As soon as I change that to user = request.user
it works fine, but then the notification gets sent to the person who made the comment.
from django.contrib.comments.signals import comment_was_posted
if "notification" in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
from notification import models as notification
def comment_notification(sender, comment, request, **kwargs):
subject = comment.content_object
for role in ['user']:
if hasattr(subject, role) and isinstance(getattr(subject, role), User):
user = getattr(subject, role)
message = comment
notification.send([user], "new_comment", {'message': message,})