
This question has been asked many times before. Please have a look at this page, it's almost exactly what you need, just change the [BrowserViewController openBrowserWithUrl:url]; to whatever you need to push your new ViewController to the navigation stack. It might look like that:

LatestView *latestView = [[LatestView alloc] initWithNibName:@"LatestView" bundle:nil]; 

//Pass the URL here, depends on how you passed it into the WebView in the first place   

// Add the ViewController to the stack
[self.navigationController pushViewController:latestView animated:YES]; 
[latestView release];   
Philibbo - Thank you for the info but I guess I'm not understanding the concept. I'm in a navigation view that contains a view that contains a webview. I want to click a link that opens a new view in the navigation stack. How do I do this? Maybe I'm not grasping the conceptual process in which I should be doing this. :(
Do you, in general, know how to add a new view to the stack of the UINavigationController?
I guess not. If it's not to much trouble do you mind explaining?
Allright. First, you are talking about a NavigationView and a WebView inside a View. To make it clear, the supposed structure would be: UINavigationController contains UIViewController contains the WebView, at least as far as I know. Then, the ViewController containing the WebView should be made the WebViews delegate. Now you can insert the code I given you in the first place. For the rest, I will edit the answer right now.
A tab bar controller that has 5 tabs, each of these tabs are set to a navigation controller. Each of the navigation controllers contains a view that contains a webView.
Please use the proper names of the classes. So you say, you have a UIView controlled by a UINavigationController? Are you sure? I'm not extremely familiar with that, but I thought a UINavigationController may only contain UIViewControllers.
With proper names: UITabBarController contains 5 UINavigationControllers. Each of these UINavCon's are linked to NIB files that contain a UIView which contains a UIWebView.
Sorry, I'm baffled. How exactly did you manage insert a UIView into a NavigationController? I'm almost certain, that we are not talking about the same thing.
Each NavigationController links to a NIB file that contains a UIView and a UIWebView. Here is a picture for reference: http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/348/screenshot20100928at240.png
Interesting... Tell me, what of what class is the Files Owner of the LatestView?
The class that is assigned to LatestView's File owner is LatestView.m
Well, yes, and it's superclass?
No clue, where do I view that information?
In the LatestView.h, it says something like "LatestView : UI..."
@interface LatestView : UIViewController <UIWebViewDelegate> {
UIViewController and not UIView, that's what I implied 10 comments ago :) Anyway, that completes my answer, I guess. I'll just update it according to your classnames. What's more: You shouldn't call a Class "...View" when it's actually a ViewController, that would have saved us quite some time anyway.
Thank you SO MUCH. That worked. I'll take the advice about naming a class View (I was thinking of each tab as the specific thing you are currently "viewing")
You're welcome. So please, mark my answer as accepted :)