



There are some Linux based C++ projects in the pipe. What IDEs should I go for that have some kind of "intellisense" in par with, or better, than the one of a bare Visual Studio (that is, without the Visual Assist steroids).

(Note that I didn't use the words "as good as, or better". I consider the Visual Studio C++ intellisense everything but good, hence the "in par with" words and Visual Assist comment).

+1  A: 

I would suggest MonoDevelop. I think they already have a plugin for C++. I found this article out. :D

@arscariosus: Too bad, looks ok otherwise: "It cannot yet resolve types of local variables, so does not work for class instance members using the '.' and '->' operators."
Johann Gerell
+2  A: 

A couple of years ago I did C++ programming in Eclipse with the CDT extension and I gotta say it did a reasonably good job with its intellisense-like feature. Certainly on par with VC++, probably better. As this was in 2008, chances are they have improved it since then.

+6  A: 

Qt Creator hands down.

Idan K
+2  A: 

The best completion in my experience has QTCreator (don't be scared by the name, it doesn't require you to use QT).

+7  A: 

None. Eclipse and Qt Creator are popular choices, but they have nothing on VS.

Matt Joiner
+1  A: 

I generally like KDevelop 4 a lot and their code-completition is pretty good, too :) Also it integrates nicely with gdb. You can read some more about it in the release statement

+3  A: 

Well, I use SlickEdit. Yes, it's not free, but it's the best I found. I tried many others, but Slick is just much, much better. KDevelop is nice, too, and it's free, but SE is better to me. About Visual Studio - I still think that it's just the best. Its intellisense is brilliant, the debugger too.

Kiril Kirov
+1  A: 

Although it's not better than VS, NetBeans works quite well for me.

@Zane: I didn't know that NetBEans could do C++, thanks for the tip!
Johann Gerell