I have a data model in Doctrine/symfony. I have a 'Course' which has many 'Lesson's. For each lesson I need to calculate the order (by date) that the lesson appears. For example, the Course 'Java for beginners' might have 10 lessons during October, I need to retrieve the order of these lessons so that the first one is called 'Java for beginners 1' etc.
Currently I have a getTitle() method in my Lesson model that queries the database to establish the number. This works fine. However, when there are 400 lessons on screen (this is a typical use case) it results in 400+ queries.
I have read about Doctrine behaviours and as I understand it, I could add a behaviour for each time a lesson is added, edited or deleted I can recalculate all the sequence numbers - storing them in the database. However, I cannot get this to work efficiently.
Is there a more efficient method than the ones I have mentioned?
from('Lesson l')->
leftJoin('l.Course c')->
leftJoin('l.Teacher t')->
leftJoin('l.Students sl')->
andWhere('l.date BETWEEN ? AND ?', array(date('Y-m-d', $start_date), date('Y-m-d', $end_date)))->
orderBy('l.date, l.time');
The above code returns all my lesson information (apart from the lesson number).
->select('COUNT(l.id) as count')
->from('Lesson l')
->leftJoin('l.Course c')
->where('c.id = ?', $this->course_id)
->andWhere('TIMESTAMP(l.date, l.time) < ?', $this->date . ' ' . $this->time)
->orderBy('l.date, l.time');
$lessons = $q->fetchOne();
return $lessons->count + 1;
And this code is in the Lesson model as a function. It calculates the sequence number of a given lesson and returns it as an integer. This is the method that gets called 400+ times. I have tried adding this as a subquery to the first query, but with no success.
Behaviour Code
public function postInsert(Doctrine_Event $event) {
$invoker = $event->getInvoker();
$table = Doctrine::getTable('Lesson');
// Course query
$cq = Doctrine::getTable('Lesson')->createQuery();
$cq->select('COUNT(l.id) as count')
->from('Lesson l')
->leftJoin('l.Course c')
->where('c.id = ?', $invoker->Course->id)
->andWhere('TIMESTAMP(l.date, l.time) < ?', $invoker->date . ' ' . $invoker->time)
->orderBy('l.date, l.time');
$lessons = $cq->fetchOne();
$q = $table->createQuery();
set('sequence_number', $lessons->count + 1)->
where('id = ?', $invoker->id)->
The obvious problem here is that it only updates the invoked lesson. If one lesson updates its sequence, all lessons should update their sequence numbers. However, the above code causes a memory problem when I try to populate the database from my fixtures (about 5000 lessons, it fails at ~1500).