




Hello, I have a situation on CKEditor that I would like to resolve. I use a jQuery color picker to add background color to a DIV tag. Then I allow the user to edit the Div tag contents using CKEditor. However, I noticed that there isn't a simple way to take the div tag's background color and then make that as the background color of the CKEditor when the editor loads up.

I have read up on bodyClass and bodyId and do not think that these solve my problem. I do not have a class element but an inline style declaration like

<div class="tp-header" style="background-color:#CCCCCC;">content</div>

I invoke the CKEditor as follows:

var editorId = 'editor1';
var instance = CKEDITOR.instances[editorId];
var color = $('.' + headerElementClass).css('background-color');
if (instance) { CKEDITOR.remove(instance); }
$('#' + editorId).ckeditor({ toolbar: 'BasicHtml', height: '100px', width: '500px', fullPage: false, bodyClass : 'background-color:' + color });
$('#' + editorId).val($('.' + headerElementClass).html());

Notice the failed usage of bodyClass. Is there any way to do this? I have scourged around the site for answers but couldn't find one. I hope someone here has the answer.