



I've been using the ContactsContract api for some time now and I've come across two "columns" listed in the API page for ContactsContract.Contacts that do not appear to actually be assessable.

The values are (under the columns heading): "NAME_RAW_CONTACT_ID" and "DISPLAY_NAME_PRIMARY"

By my reading of the API these two values would seem to connect to the Structured Name (in DATA) used to construct the display name for the given contact. Having access to this directly from the contact table would be incredibly useful to me at the moment, but as far as I can tell they are not actually in the working api (I've tested against both 2.1 and 2.2).

The associated constants do not exist in the Contacts object, and attempting to access the fields directly (by using the lower case string versions I've seen in code dumps online) turns up with an sql error -- invalid column, as you might expect.

Has anyone had any better luck with accessing these? Are these actually in the API?

Edit: I did some more checking and here's some related values from RawContacts that are listed on the API but appear to not actually be in it: DISPLAY_NAME_ALTERNATIVE, DISPLAY_NAME_PRIMARY, DISPLAY_NAME_SOURCE, PHONETIC_NAME, PHONETIC_NAME_STYLE, SORT_KEY_ALTERNATIVE, and SORT_KEY_PRIMARY.

All of these appear to be features not yet in the API that are mistakenly not filtered out when the javadoc was released. If other folks are unable to access these features as well it might be worth filing a bug report over.