



Let's say I have a table T_SWA .This is my prepared statement. Select version from (Select id, version,creator,created_date ROW_NUMBER() OVER(order by created_date) cnt From T_SWA where cnt=3 and id=35); I need to select the 3rd recent version from the T_SWA table..Can anyone suggest a replacement for this query without using ROW_NUM() and OVER() functiions?


First take the three most recent and then from those three take the first.

select id, version, creator, created_date 
from (
    select id, version, creator, created_date 
        from T_SWA
        where id = 35
        order by created_date desc
        fetch first 3 rows only
order by created_date
fetch first 1 row only;
When i tried to find the nth record , a datatype mismatch occurs, possibly at the place where the fetch keyword is being used.Can the Fetch keyword be used to find the nth record??
No. See and then the second comment.
WARNING: This solution will only work if there are 3 records for a particular ID. If you have 30 records, this solution would return the 28th oldest record (when ordered by created_date), not the third oldest record. The subselect needs to be done in ascending order, and the outer select should be done in descending order.
Ian Bjorhovde
WARNING?: I do not agree. Maybe there is some misunderstanding about what the requested '3rd recent version' does mean. Let's assume there is a version for every day of september 2010. There will be 30 records from 1 till 30 september in the table. The '3rd recent version' would be the version of 28 september. The inner select, ordered by created_date desc, will return september 30, 29 and 28. The outer select, ordered by created_date, will return september 28. Am I missing something?