



Hello there,

I am new to ASP.NET Web services (coming from PHP background) and I now have to develop a project in ASP.NET which will have to be very flexible, which means that I will have to play a lot with XML (schemas, data description etc.).

Although I 've pretty much understood the whole concept, I still have a problem familiarizing myself with the Visual Studio 2010 environment. I 've taken some tutorials on using MVC2 Web Services (using C#) and everything looked simple and fine, but I didn't get the idea how to edit my XSD and on many tutorials there was no real fuss about it.

So, it would be great if you could suggest me some resources on, maybe, Contract-First approaches or even better redirect me to a sample project (on Visual Studio) about XML Web Services, so I solve some issues practically.

I might have not noticed any resources that answer my questions, while searching the web, but I have to learn some basic stuff on the fly in order to begin the project, that's why I haven't begun studying with detail.

Thank you in advance.