




Sorry for the vague title, I didn't know how else to phrase this.

Suppose you have a table such as the following table of stops on a train and the distances between this stop and the next:

Stop         NextStop       Distance
Middletown   Bloomsbury     101
Bloomsbury   Shanksville    36
Shanksville  New City       53
New City     Washington     339
Washington   Andover        48

The problem is to determine the distance between Stops X and Y. So, for example, the distance between Middletown and Shanksville is 101+36=137.

Is there a way to do this with a single query? (Ideally, I am looking for a way to iteratively go through the Stops column by using the NextStop field of the previous row as the key the next row, and then collecting their distances into a column.)



In Oracle, I think something like this might work:

Select sum(distance)
from train_stops
start with stop = 'Middletown'
connect by stop = prior  nextstop;
Thanks! Do you happen to know if there is a general SQL solution?
@Jake: Not sure. What DBMS are you using? Oracle is not the only one to support recursive queries, but the syntax might vary slightly from to the another.
I'm not tied to a particular implementation. I mean, I was trying to solve this problem and it just seemed overkill to have multiple queries for each distance segment. Perhaps my single-query approach is not correct.
@Jake: For a generic solution, see Portman's answer here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/53108/is-it-possible-to-make-a-recursive-sql-query