I am fairly new to Ruby On Rails and right now I am doing a simple app. In this app a user can create many items and I use devise for authentication. Ofcourse I want to make sure that you are the owner in order to delete items (Teams, Players etc) and the way I do it now is:
def destroy
@team = Team.find(params[:id])
if current_user.id == @team.user_id
redirect_to(teams_url, :notice => 'The team was deleted.')
redirect_to root_path
Is this the best way? I was thinking about putting a method in the model but I am not sure I can access current_user from there. I was also thinking about a before_filer, something like:
before_filter :check_ownership, :only => [:destroy, :update]
I that case and if I want to code only one method for all objects (all objects this relates to have a "user_id"-field)
Thanks in advance