Have created a c++ implementation of the Hough transform for detecting lines in images. Found lines are represented using rho, theta, as described on wikipedia:
"The parameter r represents the distance between the line and the origin, while θ is the angle of the vector from the origin to this closest point "
How can i find the intersection point in x, y space for two lines described using r, θ?
For reference here are my current functions for converting in and out of hough space:
//get 'r' (length of a line from pole (corner, 0,0, distance from center) perpendicular to a line intersecting point x,y at a given angle) given the point and the angle (in radians)
inline float point2Hough(int x, int y, float theta) {
//get point y for a line at angle theta with a distance from the pole of r intersecting x? bad explanation! >_<
inline float hough2Point(int x, int r, float theta) {
float y;
if(theta!=0) {
} else {
y=(float)r; //wth theta may == 0?!
sorry in advance if this is something obvious..