Hey, This is just a simple exercise from class that I decided to have a go at putting an exception in. According to the book input for this problem is supposed to be in the following format: APRIL 19, 2009 What I'm trying to do with my exception is make sure the user(whoever grades it) follows those parameters so my program works. Does this look ok? Could I have done anything better?
Edit: Thanks for the timely answers! I know I have a lot to learn but hopefully one day I'll be capable enough to answer questions on here. cheers
import jpb.*;
public class ConvertDate {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SimpleIO.prompt("Enter date to be converted: ");
String bam = SimpleIO.readLine();
bam = bam.trim().toLowerCase();
//empty space is taken off both ends and the entirety is put in lower case
int index1 = bam.indexOf(" ");
int index2 = bam.lastIndexOf(" ");
int index3 = bam.indexOf(",");
/*critical points in the original string are located using indexing to divide and conquer
in the next step*/
String month = bam.substring(0,index1);
String up = month.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase();
String rest = month.substring(1,index1);
String day = bam.substring(index1, index3).trim();
String year = bam.substring(index2+1);
//now all the pieces are labeled and in their correct cases
System.out.println("Converted date: " +day +" " +up +rest +" " +year);
//everything comes together so perfectly
} catch(StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e){
System.out.println("best type that in like the book does on page 125...");}