Problem: I need to write a function which returns a value for a input key from a map. If function can't found the value in map it will fetch the value from database, write into map for future use and return the same. There can be multiple threads calling this function.
I am thinking on this line:
string GetData (const int key)
pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&rwlock); //read lock
string result = "not found";
my_map::const_iterator iter = m.find(key);
if ( iter != m.end() )//found
result = iter->second;
else //missing
pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&rwlock); // write lock
//fetch value from data base
//if successful, add to the map
m[key] = "missing data";
result = "missing data";
pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock); // unlock write lock
pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock); // unlock read lock
return result;
Is this fuction thread safe? Isn't it possible for two or more threads to queue up on write lock and query the same key from database? If yes, how can I avoid that scenario?