I tried to modify the code given in http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1989987/my-own-ocr-program-in-python for finding the connected components in a gray scale image. Ive attached the code,sample image and output below.
Sample Image
But the connected components obtained is not correct. Please suggest some solution for this problem..Thanks.
import sys, numpy
from array import array
import OtsuAlgorithm
import pymorph
from OtsuAlgorithm import *
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
import random
class Region():
def __init__(self, x, y):
self._pixels = [(x, y)]
self._min_x = x
self._max_x = x
self._min_y = y
self._max_y = y
def add(self, x, y):
self._pixels.append((x, y))
self._min_x = min(self._min_x, x)
self._max_x = max(self._max_x, x)
self._min_y = min(self._min_y, y)
self._max_y = max(self._max_y, y)
def box(self):
return [(self._min_x, self._min_y), (self._max_x, self._max_y)]
def find_regions(im): #im -> Binarized Image Array
height = len(im)
#Height & Width of Image Array- > 510 x 520
regions = {}
pixel_region = [[0 for y in range(height)] for x in range(width)]
print 'Height& Width of pixel_region'
print len(pixel_region),len(pixel_region[0])
equivalences = {}
n_regions = 0
#first pass. find regions.
for x in xrange(width-1):
for y in xrange(height-1):
#look for a black pixel
if im[y][x]== 1: #BLACK
# get the region number from north or west
# or create new region
region_n = 0 if y == 0 else pixel_region[x][y-1]
region_w = 0 if x == 0 else pixel_region[x-1][y]
region_nw= 0 if (x == 0 or y == 0) else pixel_region[x-1][y-1]
wd = width-1
region_ne= 0 if (x == hd ) else pixel_region[x+1][y-1]
region_e= 0 if (x==hd) else pixel_region[x+1][y]
region_s= 0 if (y==wd) else pixel_region[x][y+1]
max_region = max(region_n, region_w,region_ne,region_nw,region_e,region_s)
#max_region = max(region_n, region_w)
if max_region > 0:
new_region = min(filter(lambda i: i > 0, (region_n,region_w,region_ne,region_nw,region_e,region_s)))
#update equivalences
if max_region > new_region:
if max_region in equivalences:
equivalences[max_region] = set((new_region,))
#no neighbours uniquely label the region
n_regions += 1
new_region = n_regions
pixel_region[x][y] = new_region
#Scan image again, assigning all equivalent regions the same region value.
for x in xrange(width):
for y in xrange(height):
r = pixel_region[x][y]
if r > 0:
while r in equivalences:
r = min(equivalences[r])
if not r in regions:
regions[r] = Region(x, y)
regions[r].add(x, y)
for k, v in equivalences.iteritems():
print k, v
return regionCords
def main():
im = Image.open("/home/hsrd/Desktop/Images_OCR/Screenshot.tif")#Width:520 Height: 510
image_array= im.getdata()
a=pymorph.binary(im,threshold)#binarize Image
regions = find_regions(a)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
for r in regions:
draw.rectangle(r.box(), outline="red")
del draw
output = file("output.png", "wb")
if __name__ == "__main__":