I've been working on creating a SAAJ based client. Everything seemed to be working fine, until I implemented the logic to send attachments as part of a web-service request.
The web-service operation is simple - it expects a string element for file-location, and a base64binary element for the file content.
I've tested the ws operation using SoapUI, and everything seems to be in order. However, when i send the file attachment from my SAAJ-based client, the web-service operation would only receive the file-location element's value. I wrote a handler at the ws-server to intercept the WS operation request, in order to see whether the attachment even reaches the web-service. As expected, the attachment was reaching fine, and i could access its contents using the SAAJ api within the handler.
That just leads me to wonder - is there any compatibility issue when sending attachments using SAAJ and receiving them through JAXB bindings? is there something i'm missing out?
thanks for any help!