Hello, I added the iAd as written in tutorials and in my app it always calls didFailToReceiveAdWithError. bannerViewDidLoadAd is never invoked. I know I'm supposed to see a "test advertisment" Ad, but nothing shows up, because the function bannerViewDidLoadAd is never being invoked.
I've looked into other questions, but didn't find an answer... I would have added code, but I suspect this is more of a misunderstanding between me and Steve.
Can someone please let me know if this problem also shows him in the console: Unhandled error (no delegate or delegate does not implement didFailToReceiveAdWithError:): Error Domain=ADErrorDomain Code=5 "The operation couldn’t be completed. Banner view is visible but does not have content" UserInfo=0xfdd4070 {ADInternalErrorCode=5, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Banner view is visible but does not have content}