




Hi there,

I am new to R and keen to learn but am finding myself particularly stuck on what seems to be a relatively straightforward idea.

I have 2 dataframes. The first (ants) is data pertaining to a number of sites, each site has a unique ID, some sites have more than one row of data. It look like this:

Site Date Time Temp

71 8-Jun-10 14:50:35 14.32
71 8-Jun-10 14:51:29 14.31
70 8-Jun-10 14:53:55 14.3
70 8-Jun-10 14:54:09 14.3
70 8-Jun-10 14:54:24 14.3
69 8-Jun-10 14:56:30 14.28 etc

The second (HRsites) is an index of the latitudes and longitudes associated with each site number.

Site lat_52 long_00

69 56.3075 9.1957

70 56.4207 8.9147

71 56.5208 8.6265 etc

What I would like to do is...Where the site numbers of the two dataframes match, I would like the corresponding lat and long data held in 'HRsites' to be added under additional new columns in the 'ants' dataframe.

I see that a new column is added by ants$lat_52<-

...and this is where I'm stuck, I'm not sure of the huge range of functions available on R and feel I'm perhaps not searching using quite the correct language. Any help would be hugely appreciated....even if it's jus the terms of functions I should be searching for.

Kind thanks, Joey :)

+2  A: 

If I understand your question correctly, you want to merge them by "Site".

> lines <- "Site Date Time Temp
+ 71 8-Jun-10 14:50:35 14.32
+ 71 8-Jun-10 14:51:29 14.31
+ 70 8-Jun-10 14:53:55 14.3
+ 70 8-Jun-10 14:54:09 14.3
+ 70 8-Jun-10 14:54:24 14.3
+ 69 8-Jun-10 14:56:30 14.28"
> (ants <- read.table(con <- textConnection(lines),header=TRUE)); close(con)
  Site     Date     Time  Temp
1   71 8-Jun-10 14:50:35 14.32
2   71 8-Jun-10 14:51:29 14.31
3   70 8-Jun-10 14:53:55 14.30
4   70 8-Jun-10 14:54:09 14.30
5   70 8-Jun-10 14:54:24 14.30
6   69 8-Jun-10 14:56:30 14.28
> lines <- "Site lat_52 long_00
+ 69 56.3075 9.1957
+ 70 56.4207 8.9147
+ 71 56.5208 8.6265"
> (HRsites <- read.table(con <- textConnection(lines),header=TRUE)); close(con)
  Site  lat_52 long_00
1   69 56.3075  9.1957
2   70 56.4207  8.9147
3   71 56.5208  8.6265
> (Data <- merge(ants,HRsites,by="Site"))
  Site     Date     Time  Temp  lat_52 long_00
1   69 8-Jun-10 14:56:30 14.28 56.3075  9.1957
2   70 8-Jun-10 14:53:55 14.30 56.4207  8.9147
3   70 8-Jun-10 14:54:09 14.30 56.4207  8.9147
4   70 8-Jun-10 14:54:24 14.30 56.4207  8.9147
5   71 8-Jun-10 14:50:35 14.32 56.5208  8.6265
6   71 8-Jun-10 14:51:29 14.31 56.5208  8.6265
Joshua Ulrich
Many thanks Joshua! Now I have learnt the MERGE function :) One query I have is that when I perform this, everything's perfect except that the decimal places of some my lat long data are reduced to 0 or just 1 decimal place from 5 or even 6 decimal places. I've been trying to format the affected columns specifying number of decimal places desired...any ideas why this could be?
`merge` does not alter the data. Either you're doing something before or after merging that is dropping precision, or it could just be how the data are displayed. If you're missing precision when you write the data to a text file, then the former case is your issue.
Joshua Ulrich
Sorted...yes it was just how the data are displayed. Sorry, thanks!