I am compiling and running my app fine on a new core i5 system. However, when I try to run it on a core duo it doesn't work.
At first Mac OS would refuse to run it, but then I turned off "build for active architecture only" in XCode and cleaned and rebuilt the app. Now the app seems like it's starting (the icon does the getting bigger thing), but then nothing happens and nothing shows up in the dock. I tried running it from the Terminal using "open" and nothing happened there.
What could be going wrong? I have it set up as "Standard (32/64-bit Universal)" in the project settings and the current build is Debug/i386. I tried a Release build too, didn't work.
Both systems are Mac OS X 10.6.4
The frameworks I use are: Cocoa, AppKit, CoreData, Foundation, CoreMIDI, Quartz, QuartzCore, OpenGL, QTKit
Edit: I was sharing the file with Dropbox, which according to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1898733/app-dies-on-startup-but-not-crash-report might mess it up, i'll try without Dropbox
Edit: That did it! Crazy dropbox was messing with permissions. Zipping before dropboxing worked. argh!