Why compiler cannot specialize this function and is there a way to force him to do so?
The error I'm getting:
Error 1 error C2893: Failed to specialize function template ''unknown-type' Ternary::check(bool,Left,Right)'
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using std::cout;
using std::string;
template<int v>
struct Int2Type
enum {value = v};
template<bool condition,class Left, class Right>
struct Result;
template<class Left, class Right>
struct Result<true,Left,Right>
typedef Left value;
template<class Left, class Right>
struct Result<false,Left,Right>
typedef Right value;
struct Ternary
template<class Left, class Right>
static Right check_(Int2Type<false>, Left left, Right right)
return right;
template<class Left, class Right>
static Left check_(Int2Type<true>, Left left, Right right)
return left;
template<bool Condition,class Left, class Right>
static auto check(Left left, Right right)->
typename Result<Condition,Left,Right>::value
return check_(Int2Type<Condition>,left,right);
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
int a = 5;
string s = "Hello";
cout << Ternary::check<false>(a,s);
return 0;