I have built a small app that gets informations from a database on a website. the first thing the app does is to fetch an rss feed and then display it.
Apple guidelines tell to let the user decide if he/she wants to connect to the Internet, so I have placed an alert at the beginning showing "The app will connect to the Internet. Continue?" with two buttons: "Yes", and "No, quit"
if the user chooses "No, Quit", then I call:
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] terminateWithSuccess];
It Works. But I have read that Apple disencourage that, (Not an official API???) and that the only way to terminate an app should be the use of the Home button.
I tried an alernative: if the user press "No, Quit" I simply show a label that says "Quit the app using the Home Button"...
So, what should I do? leave the alert and quit the app or just show the "please quit" label???