I would like to display some content located in my models in some of my template pages.
I am using django-page cms
In the documentation views are not used to display content. Instead ready made template tags are used.
I do not understand a word of this. Please Bear with me I am new.
All I want to do is display some info located in my models inside a template this manner..
{% if latest_news_list %} {% for news in latest_news_list %} <li><h3>{{ news.title }}</h3></li> <li><p>{{ news.body }}</p></li> {% endfor %}
Since views are not used I cannot use if latest_news_list. I need to somehow get my models to display in the templates using django-page cms and NOT regular views. The documentation states to use some kind of template tag for this.
Could somebody please explain to me how to do this.
And a clear concise explanation of the following ready-made template tags would also be appreciated...
* get_content
* show_content
* get_page
* show_absolute_url
taken from.http://packages.python.org/django-page-cms/display-content.html
I need to display info contained using the following models in the manner I have highlighted above. Thank you very much for your help. my models are as follows.
class Body(models.Model):
type = models.ForeignKey(Content)
title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
published = models.DateTimeField(default=datetime.now)
body = tinymce_models.HTMLField("Main content")
As I have stated I am very new to this please make explanations as simple as possible.