I've been given a Web-service written in Java using the metro web-stack.
Now, I've written a ANT script to build the WSDL and generate a war file with the contents and deploy into my tomcat.
When I run the server, it doesn't recognize the WSDL, is this a correct process?
How do I deploy the WSDL and then generate the client stubs and the port code?
I've searched the web and found a lot of resources, but ANT scripts are less.
This is my deploy code:
<property name="wspackage" value="${destination}/LogWebService.war"/>
<property name="deploy.dir" value="${tomcat}/webapps"/>
<target name="service-deploy" depends="create-Metro-war">
<copy file="${wspackage}" todir="${deploy.dir}"/>
And my client generation code is:
<target name="client-wsimport" depends="service-deploy" >
<taskdef name="wsimport" classname="com.sun.tools.ws.ant.WsImport">
<classpath refid="abc.xyz.classpath"/>
<wsimport debug="true" keep="true" sourcedestdir="${src}"
destdir="${output}" wsdl="${wsdlPath}">
<binding includes="http://localhost:8080/LogWebService/LogWebServiceService.wsdl"/>