hey, i got something that i cannot understand ,there are two types of solutions for overloading this operator 1 is including the friend at the start of the method and the other 1 goes without the friend. i would very much like if some1 explain whats the difference between them advantages / disadvantages. for example overloading the operator << in class rational:
class Rational:
private: int m_t,m_b;
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out,const Rational& r) // option 1
{ return out << r.m_t << "/" <<r.m_b;} // continue of option 1
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out,const Rational& r){return r.print();} // option 2
virtual ostream& print(ostream& out) const // continue of option 2
{ //
return out<<m_t << "/" << m_b;
} //
i was told that the second option isnt correct , if some1 can correct me about it i would much appriciate it. thanks in advance.