Hi people! I have worked out a tree which I fed with data, for certain elements I'd love to deactivate "drag&drop", which doesn't work and I don't know why. If you have the answer I would kindly thank you.
The task is that certain element shouldn't be draggable, if I set
subWidgets[0][subWidgets[1]].dragRestriction = true;
it is in the view (browser) still draggable. The hell I know why :(
var tree = new dijit.Tree({
model: treeModel,
dndController: "dijit.tree.dndSource"
var widgets = tree.rootNode.getChildren();
var subWidgets = new Array();
for(var widget in widgets)
subWidgets[0] = widgets[widget].getChildren();
for(subWidgets[1] in subWidgets[0])
if(subWidgets[1] == 0)
subWidgets[0][subWidgets[1]].dragRestriction = true;
dojo.byId('output').innerHTML += subWidgets[0][subWidgets[1]].item.type + '<br>';
dojo.byId('output').innerHTML += subWidgets[0][subWidgets[1]].item.id + '<br>' + subWidgets[0][subWidgets[1]].dragRestriction;
if(subWidgets[0][subWidgets[1]].item.type == 'Device')
//subWidgets[0][subWidgets[1]].dragRestriction = true;
for(var content in subWidgets[0][subWidgets[1]])
dojo.byId('output').innerHTML += '<br>' + content;// + ' : ' + subWidgets[0][subWidgets[1]][content];
/*for(subWidgets[3] in widgets[widget])
dojo.byId('output').innerHTML += subWidgets[3] + '<br>';