I'm implementing a button class in cocos2d, and I want to be able to pass the selector when the button is created. Here is Button.m:
#import "CCButton.h"
@implementation CCButton
+(CCButton*) buttonFromImage:(NSString*)image selectedImage:(NSString*)selectedImage atPosition:(CGPoint)position selector:(SEL)selector_method
CCMenuItem *menuitem = [CCMenuItemImage itemFromNormalImage:image selectedImage:selectedImage target:self selector:selector_method];
menuitem.position = position;
CCButton *menu = [CCMenu menuWithItems:menuitem, nil];
menu.position = CGPointZero;
return menu;
It inherits from CCMenu. What I want to do is define the selector method wherever create my button. For example, if I have a menu, I want the selector to be in the menu, and assign the selector to the button (in menu.m):
backButton = [CCButton buttonFromImage:@"image1.png" selectedImage:@"image2.png" atPosition:ccp(120,70) selector:@selector(backTouched:)];
[self addChild:backButton z:1];
- (void)backTouched:(id)sender {
//do what i want the button to do here
This crashes when I touch the button. How do I implement what I want?
Thanks for the help, Dave
Edit: the error I get is bad pointer, SIGABRT