



By default on Windows XP Mercurial stores the .hgrc file in (well, in my case) c:\Documents and Settings\srooks\. How can I change that location, and have it look for .hgrc file in, for example, c:\Configuration_Files ?

Can it be done at all?

+4  A: 

Set up the HGRCPATH environment variable with the path to the configuration file.

I saw that parameter somwhere but it didn't work. I added in my Control Panel/System/Env. Vars./HGRCPATH var. to the specified directory c:\Conf...Files but when I try to commit he doesn't seem to be able to find it.
@Rook: You need to set `HGRCPATH` to the filename. If you set it to the directory name, it looks for files with a `.rc` extension in that directory and reads them all. If your file is called Mercurial.ini, it won't find it.
Niall C.
@Niall C. - Ah, I see. Yes, it works now. Thank you both. +A AndiDog
+1  A: 

You can move file to c:\Configuration_Files and create link to it in "Documents And Settings" folder. See mklink command.
