




Hi lads,

I have another simple one. How to make a long decode inside a function in oracle?

My select looks like this:

select something, sum(ofsomethingelse)
from a_table
where code in 
group by something
order by 1

And I have a couple more of large code lists like that which I want to turn into one neat query.

Something like:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION grouping_func (id_in IN varchar2)
RETURN varchar2
res varchar(255);
   res := CASE id_in
            WHEN id_in in ([long list of ids from query1]) THEN 'Group1'
            WHEN id_in in ([long list of ids from query2]) THEN 'Group2'
            WHEN id_in in ([long list of ids from query3]) THEN 'Group3'
            ELSE id_in
    RETURN res;

so I can have a clear query that just uses this function into the group by and everything the way I like :)

The problem is I cant use that id_in in ([long list of ids from query3]) in the switch cases and I'm quite a n00b in plsql...

May I get suggestions of elegant ways of doing it?



+2  A: 

Here is a possible solution: create 2 tables :

create table GROUPS 
GRP_NAME VARCHAR2(20) // name of the group

create table LONGLIST
LL_NAME  VARCHAR2(20) // item of your big list
GRP_ID INTEGER // (foreign key)

This way you only need to join the tables, no CASE or DECODE needed

The final query would look something like that :

select g.grp_name, sum(ofsomethingelse)
from a_table a
inner join longlist ll on ll.ll_name = a.code
inner join groups g on g.grp_id = ll.grp_id
group by g.grp_name
Thanks... but no can do :( It's a long story, but i can't touch the actual join that will be made. :(

Just make sure your long lists of ids do not intersect.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION grouping_func(id_in IN varchar2) RETURN varchar2 AS
  res varchar2(255);
  select gr
    into retval
    from (select 'Group1' gr
            from dual
           where id_in in ('[long list of ids from query1]')
          union all
          select 'Group2' gr
            from dual
           where id_in in ('[long list of ids from query2]')
          union all
          select 'Group3' gr
            from dual
           where id_in in ('[long list of ids from query3]'));

    when no_data_found then
     return null;
    when too_many_rows then
     return null;    

Not the brightest thing, I guess, but will work for your function. And, yes, it's better to store these codes in a separate table you could join into your query, indeed.

be here now
Cool.. that did it (although I ended up creating a table)

Actually, the only problem with your first stab is that you've mixed up the two syntaxes of the CASE expression.

If you follow the CASE keyword with an expression (e.g. id_in), then you are doing a switch on the value of that expression, and each of the WHEN clauses must include a single expression that will be checked for equality against the first expression.

Alternatively, you can skip the expression immediately after CASE, and specify a full boolean condition in each WHEN clause.

So, either of these should work for you:

   res := CASE id_in
         WHEN 390 THEN 'Group1'
         WHEN 391 THEN 'Group1'
         WHEN 392 THEN 'Group2'

   res := CASE
            WHEN id_in in ([long list of ids from query1]) THEN 'Group1'
            WHEN id_in in ([long list of ids from query2]) THEN 'Group2'
            WHEN id_in in ([long list of ids from query3]) THEN 'Group3'
            ELSE id_in

Note that overall, I agree with others that the preferable way to do this is store the mapping of ID values to groups in another table and change the query to a join.

Dave Costa