




I have been using yield in many of my Python programs, and it really clears up the code in many cases. I blogged about it and it is one of my site's popular pages.

C# also offers yield – it is implemented via state-keeping in the caller side, via an automatically generated class keeps the state, local variables of the function, etc.

Now, I am reading about C++0x and its additions, and while reading about the implementation of lambdas in C++0x, I find out it was done via automatically generated classes too, equipped with operator() storing the lambda code! The natural question formed: they did it for lambdas, why not consider it for supporting yield, too?

Surely they can see the value of co-routines... so I can only guess that they consider macro-based implementations (such as Simon Tatham's) to be an adequate substitute. They are not, however, for many reasons: callee-kept state, non-reentrant, macro-based (that alone is reason enough), etc.

Edit: yield doesn't depend on garbage collection, threads, or fibers. You can read Simon's article to see that I am talking about the compiler doing a simple transformation, such as:

int fibonacci() {
    int a = 0, b = 1;
    while (true) {
        yield a;
        int c = a + b;
        a = b;
        b = c;


struct GeneratedFibonacci {
    int state;
    int a, b;

    GeneratedFibonacci() : state (0), a (0), b (1) {}

    int operator()() {
        switch (state) {
        case 0:
            state = 1;
            while (true) {
                return a;

        case 1:
                int c = a + b;
                a = b;
                b = c;

Garbage collection? No. Threads? No. Fibers? No. Simple transformation? Arguably, yes.

+3  A: 

Adding a keyword is always tricky, because it invalidates previously valid code. You try to avoid that in a language with a code base as large as C++.

The evolution of C++ is a public process. If you feel yield should be in there, formulate an appropriate request to the C++ standard committee.

You will get your answer, directly from the people who made the decision.

This is very believable. The ECMAScript committee went out of their way not to introduce a new keyword. EX: `Object.defineProperty` and `"use strict";`
Writing the proposal would be great, but it's too late to get such a feature into 0x.
Roger Pate
+2  A: 

In general, you can track what's going on by the committee papers, although it's better for keeping track rather than looking up a specific issue.

One thing to remember about the C++ committee is that it is a volunteer committee, and can't accomplish everything it wants to. For example, there was no hash-type map in the original standard, because they couldn't manage to make it in time. It could be that there was nobody on the committee who cared enough about yield and what it does to make sure the work got done.

The best way to find out would be to ask an active committee member.

David Thornley
I am sort of prejudiced against committees - it is my "feeling" that languages designed by committees are usually... problematic. You would be right in arguing that I should therefore leave C++ and C++0x behind me, and focus on Python and Perl and other "benevolent dictator" languages... but I can't. What really bothered me and made me write this question to SO, was that they *did* the work for lambdas, and didn't take one small step to do it for co-routines, too.... (sigh)... C++, always some steps behind others... (with the exception of templates)
@ttsiodras: My 2 languages are Python and C. C is just the bare minimum, you aren't sucked into any stupidness, and it's blazing fast and can do anything. The other is Python, for the reasons you've given. One guy has his finger on the pulse, and I like the way he thinks. C++ is a mess.
Matt Joiner
@ttsiodras: If you're truly prejudiced against committees, you're free to fork off from C++ and make your own language. If you're *very* good and provide something useful, you'll attract other people who will use the language you've created. After a while, you might decide that some of these other people have good ideas too for how the language you've created should evolve; invite some of them to help you, and you've got a committee. Aaaargh! :-) Committees aren't anything to be afraid of *per se* but not all are equal; some really suck.
Donal Fellows
+1  A: 

They did it for lambdas, why didn't they consider it for supporting yield, too?

Check the papers. Did anyone propose it?

...I can only guess that they consider macro-based implementations to be an adequate substitute.

Not necessarily. I'm sure they know such macro solutions exist, but replacing them isn't enough motivation, on its own, to get new features passed.

Even though there are various issues around a new keyword, those could be overcome with new syntax, such as was done for lambdas and using auto as a function return type.

Radically new features need strong drivers (i.e. people) to fully analyze and push features through the committee, as they will always have plenty of people skeptical of a radical change. So even absent what you would view as a strong technical reason against a yield construct, there may still not have been enough support.

But fundamentally, the C++ standard library has embraced a different concept of iterators than you'd see with yield. Compare to Python's iterators, which only require two operations:

  1. an_iter.next() returns the next item or raises StopIteration (next() builtin included in 2.6 instead of using a method)
  2. iter(an_iter) returns an_iter (so you can treat iterables and iterators identically in functions)

C++'s iterators are used in pairs (which must be the same type), are divided into categories, it would be a semantic shift to transition into something more amenable to a yield construct, and that shift wouldn't fit well with concepts (which has since been dropped, but that came relatively late). For example, see the rationale for (justifiably, if disappointingly) rejecting my comment on changing range-based for loops to a form that would make writing this different form of iterator much easier.

To concretely clarify what I mean about different iterator forms: your generated code example needs another type to be the iterator type plus associated machinery for getting and maintaining those iterators. Not that it couldn't be handled, but it's not as simple as you may at first imagine. The real complexity is the "simple transformation" respecting exceptions for "local" variables (including during construction), controlling lifetime of "local" variables in local scopes within the generator (most would need to be saved across calls), and so forth.

Roger Pate
Addressing: "Check the papers. Did anyone propose it?" - Well, if no-one in the C++ commitee realizes the benefits of coroutines/yield (in e.g. optimal async work in heavy-duty socket servers, LINQ-style queries, etc), it is no wonder that other languages are taking hold, dooming C++ to gradual extinction. As for iterators, they are not necessarily part of this discussion - yield stands on its own just fine without iterators, as a different way to return results. I am out of comment space - and prety much convinced that even obvious things, like yield, are "out-of-scope" for commitee-thinking.
@ttsiodras: Look at those papers sometime, and the things that go into them. Not much is out of scope for committee thinking. If you were to join the Committee and push for something like `yield` and work hard to make it work in the language and listen to other people's objections, it would be in the next standard. That's just like everybody else's pet feature that didn't get included.
David Thornley
@ttsiodras: Iterators are a central feature of the standard library, but are treated as a feature of the language core (e.g. look at the 0x range-based for-loop; also why they were designed as a superset of pointers). I think any proposal of generators/yield that wasn't compatible with C++'s concept of iterators would be asked to be revised to make it so.
Roger Pate
@ttsiodras: There bigger problems plaguing C++ than lack of features. Emphasis on gradual, the only language that will die slower than C++, is C.
Matt Joiner
@David: All due respect, but "yield" is *not* my pet feature. Scheme, Perl, Python, C#, Ruby - shall I go on? Unless you consider "lambdas" and functional programming pet features, too.
@Matt: You are probably right - hence this rant. I will be waiting for yield for another decade :-( (just as I have been waiting for lambdas...)
@ttsiodras: I've apparently been unclear here: "pet feature" doesn't refer to something useless, or something you created, but a feature you really want in a programming language. For example, in a COBOL discussion my pet feature would be user-defined functions that return a value, which is clearly useful, clearly not my idea, and present in more programming languages than `yield`. Different people have different pet features, most of which would be useful. Since they're all work to get right, and nobody wants to add too many, some get left out.
David Thornley

Well, for such a trivial example as that, the only problem I see is that std::type_info::hash_code() is not specified constexpr. I believe a conforming implementation could still make it so and support this. Anyway the real problem is obtaining unique identifiers, so there might be another solution. (Obviously I borrowed your "master switch" construct, thanks.)

#define YIELD(X) do { \
    constexpr size_t local_state = typeid([](){}).hash_code(); \
    return (X); state = local_state; case local_state: ; } \
while (0)


struct GeneratedFibonacci {
    size_t state;
    int a, b;

    GeneratedFibonacci() : state (0), a (0), b (1) {}

    int operator()() {
        switch (state) {
        case 0:
            while (true) {
                YIELD( a );
                int c = a + b;
                a = b;
                b = c;

Hmm, they would also need to guarantee that the hash isn't 0. No biggie there either. And a DONE macro is easy to implement.

The real problem is what happens when you return from a scope with local objects. There is no hope of saving off a stack frame in a C-based language. The solution is to use a real coroutine, and C++0x does directly address that with threads and futures.

Consider this generator/coroutine:

void ReadWords() {
    ifstream f( "input.txt" );

    while ( f ) {
        string s;
        f >> s;
        yield s;

If a similar trick is used for yield, f is destroyed at the first yield, and it's illegal to continue the loop after it, because you can't goto or switch past a non-POD object definition.

Thanks for answering, but you are not telling me anything I didn't already know - yes, we can emulate some aspects of yield with macros, and Simon (the linked article in my original text) did this years ago. The problem is that this is not enough, as both I and you pointed out. And since C++0x added support for lambdas by adding automatic class generation to the compiler, and "yield" would require exactly the same thing, I just lament its absence. That's all.
@ttsiodras: No, "yield" requires saving and restoring the stack frame, or equivalently a coroutine. In C languages that is equivalent to threading. In C++ if you want a generator object with that syntax, you must spawn a thread and synchronize it. And C++0x did add native support for that.