



How do I best capture the HTML (in my instance, for logging) rendered by an aspx-page?

I dont want to have to write back to the page using Response.Write, since it messes up my site layout.

Using the Response.OutputStream or Response.Output's stream results in an ArgumentException ({System.ArgumentException: Stream was not readable.)

+2  A: 

Many load testers will allow you to log the HTTP responses generated, but bear in mind with ASP.NET those could be some very large log-files.

Edit: Response.Filter as per Tom Jelen's code is designed to give this kind of oversight and Response.Outputstream is otherwise unreadable.

Edit 2: For a page rather than a HTTPModule

public class ObserverStream : Stream
  private byte[] buffer = null;
  private Stream observed = null;

  public ObserverStream (Stream s)
    this.observed = s;

  /* important method to extend #1 : capturing the data */
  public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
    this.observed.Write(buffer, offset, count);
    this.buffer = buffer; //captured!

  /* important method to extend #2 : doing something with the data */
  public override void Close()
    //this.buffer available for logging here!

  /* override all the other Stream methods/props with this.observed.method() */



and in your Page_Load (or before your response is written anyway)

Response.Filter = new ObserverStream(Response.Filter);
Using the Response.OutputStream or Response.Output's stream results in an ArgumentException ({System.ArgumentException: Stream was not readable.)
Did you seek to zero first? Write to a readable MemStream? (just firing up VS myself now cause I want to know how to do this)
Heh, I was just about to post all the Response.Filter code I'd just written and found Tom Jelen's done exactly that already. Worked for me too basically :)
eh, oops. Good point about closing the stream!
Tom Jelen
Solved it by combining annakata and Tom Jelens solutions! Thanks guys
+1  A: 

One way to to make server-side XMLHTTP request to your own server. Grab the result and save it to a file or DB.

Alternately you can use AJAX on the client, grab the result, and POST it back to the server.

doubling up on requests seems bad given the data is there somewhere the first time round


I need to stop editing this answer. To put it short, override the Render method for the page. Similar question and answers here

Peter LaComb Jr.
I may be wrong, but it looks like the methods you are linking to, is either "stealing" the output stream, which leaves the client with an empty browser window. Or you are taking the page through another lifecycle to render it through a new stream.
Tom Jelen
I can say for certain that no stealing is involved (as I've logged requests this way), but I can't say that id doesn't require another pass through the lifecycle of the request. good point.
Peter LaComb Jr.
+9  A: 

Good question, i had to try out and see if i could create a HttpModule to do what you are describing.

I didnt have any luck trying to read from the responsestream, but using the ResponseFilter gave me a way to capture the content.

The following code seems to work pretty good, and i figured maybe you could use the code as a base. But remember this is just something i threw together fast, it has not been tested in any way. So dont use it in any production environment without proper reviewing/testing and such. Feel free to comment on it though ;)

public class ResponseLoggerModule : IHttpModule
 private class ResponseCaptureStream : Stream
  private readonly Stream _streamToCapture;
  private readonly Encoding _responseEncoding;

  private string _streamContent;
  public string StreamContent
   get { return _streamContent; }
   private set
    _streamContent = value;

  public ResponseCaptureStream(Stream streamToCapture, Encoding responseEncoding)
   _responseEncoding = responseEncoding;
   _streamToCapture = streamToCapture;


  public override bool CanRead
   get { return _streamToCapture.CanRead; }

  public override bool CanSeek
   get { return _streamToCapture.CanSeek; }

  public override bool CanWrite
   get { return _streamToCapture.CanWrite; }

  public override void Flush()

  public override long Length
   get { return _streamToCapture.Length; }

  public override long Position
    return _streamToCapture.Position;
    _streamToCapture.Position = value;

  public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
   return _streamToCapture.Read(buffer, offset, count);

  public override long Seek(long offset, SeekOrigin origin)
   return _streamToCapture.Seek(offset, origin);

  public override void SetLength(long value)

  public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
   _streamContent += _responseEncoding.GetString(buffer);
   _streamToCapture.Write(buffer, offset, count);

  public override void Close()

 #region IHttpModule Members

 private HttpApplication _context;
 public void Dispose()


 public void Init(HttpApplication context)
  _context = context;

  context.PreRequestHandlerExecute += new EventHandler(context_PreRequestHandlerExecute);
  context.PreSendRequestContent += new EventHandler(context_PreSendRequestContent);

 void context_PreRequestHandlerExecute(object sender, EventArgs e)
  _context.Response.Filter = new ResponseCaptureStream(_context.Response.Filter, _context.Response.ContentEncoding);

 void context_PreSendRequestContent(object sender, EventArgs e)
  ResponseCaptureStream filter = _context.Response.Filter as ResponseCaptureStream;

  if (filter != null)
   string responseText = filter.StreamContent;

   // Logging logic here

Tom Jelen
That's just what I needed for Thanks!
I had to use the BeginRequest event to setup the filter, PreRequestHandlerExecute didn't fire in my HttpModule. I didn't look in to why, but maybe that will help somebody else.