



Microsoft has really been pushing ASP.NET MVC, and one of its major strengths over ASP.NET Web Forms is unit testing. Then, they announced that they would support jQuery as their official client-side library for the platform, automatically including the source in new projects. Recently, they announced their first official contributions to the jQuery stack: templating, data linking, and globalization.

My question is, with this push to more and more client-side logic, how does Microsoft expect developers to unit test with the same power and flexibility that they offer through MVC? Is there a unit testing framework for client-side scripting that even comes close to comparing to what is available through ASP.NET MVC? Does Microsoft endorse or offer a specific framework that provides this functionality?

+1  A: 

You could take a look at QUnit. Not sure whether it's or it will be endorsed by Microsoft but it's what's used to unit test the jquery framework itself.

Darin Dimitrov
Interesting; I wasn't familiar with QUnit. Thanks.