



Hi All,

I'm a newbie for PHP5 and In my php page I'm getting this error when try to redirect to another page

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at <path to my php file>:<line number>) in <path to my php file> on line <line number>

in my php file I have several includes and each one doesnt have any space before of after tag

can anyone help me

thanks in advance




This is because you must first set your headers and then add any output.

If you did not echo/print anything make sure you did not have warnings or notices (the count as output too if you have error reporting on).

As a good practice, if you can, put the header calls at the top of your script.

You could also take a look into output buffering if you need to generate output before headers.

Alin Purcaru

Maybe your php file has a unicode signature (BOM) which adds a signature at the beginning of your file.

open your php file with a plain text editor like notepad and see if there is something at the beginning of your file. if so, remove them.

rahim asgari

The problem could be an opening <? tag with some spaces just before the "<" like shown here "_<". These spaces count as output and can prevent headers from being set.
