I'm doing a table using the plugin livequery
function soroRow(numSoro){
if(numSoro % 2 == 0) var cRow = 'even';
else var cRow = 'odd';
var content = ($('<tr>')
.attr('id', 'soro_'+numSoro)
.append($('<td />').appendText(numSoro+''))
.append($('<td />')
.attr('name', 'soroColetado')
.attr('id' , 'soroColetado_' + numSoro)
.append($("<option> ---- </option>"))
.append($("<option value='sim'> Sim </option>"))
.append($("<option value='nao'> Não </option>"))
.append($("<option value='ignorado'> Ignorado </option>"))
.append($('<td />')
.attr('name', 'numeroSoro')
.attr('disabled', 'disabled')
.attr('id', 'numeroSoro_'+numSoro)
return content;
If I put in
$(document).ready( function(){
this lines:
The first line give this following output:
and when I click, the FireBug show me the perfect HTML code (generated by livequery), including the element that have id "soroColetado_1"
But my second line return
Which is weird, because it element seems to exist because of the first console.log line.
My question is: How can I get this element?