



Hi, I want to redirect http://myip/admin to https://myip/admin. I am trying to use .htaccess to do this (want this only for the admin folder).

Contents of .htaccess placed in the relevant folder:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !on
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}

(apache mod_rewrite is enabled). Both http://myip/admin and https://myip/admin are visible (but the redirection does not work). Server is Ubuntu.

I have tried few variations of the above rules from the internet but no luck :(

Any inputs would be appreciated.

regards, JP


Solved it and learnt something new. The AllowOverride option in apache's main config file was not set correctly.

Also, if someone faces such issues 2 points: 1) apache reload may sometime not work as expected. Try restart 2) Clear browser cache and / or refresh page.
