



Hi ,

I am wokring on migration my project from xerces 1.4 to 3.1 version.

xerces :1.4

You can call the function getElementsByTagName("tagName") on DOM_Element object .

Now with xerces version 3.1 getElementsByTagName requires const XMLCh* as parameter.

So in order to fix this issue simple solution would be as follows:

const XMLCh* tag = xercesc::XMLString::transcode("tagName");

xercesc::DOMNodeList * nodeList = ele->getElementsByTagNames(tag ) ;

My project source code has thousands of lines where we are using the following functions getAttribute setAttribute getElementsByTagName

Currently the parameters passed in this function are ( const char[] ,const char*, std::string )

Inorder to minimise the code changes and writing out transcode function everywhere in the source code I came up with the following header

Snippet showing jsut one function

include <xercesc/dom/DOM.hpp >

include <xercesc/dom/DOMElement.hpp>

include <xercesc/util/XMLString.hpp>

include <string>

class Element : public xercesc::DOMElement


inline const XMLCh* getAttribute(std::string &attr)const  
    const XMLCh* att = xercesc::XMLString::transcode( attr.c_str() );  
    const XMLCh* val = xercesc::DOMElement::getAttribute(att);  

    return val ;  


So in my source code I simply had to include this header .

Compilation went fine but on linking it gave me the following error

Undefined reference to xercesc::DOMElement( unsigned short const* )

Checking the API I can see the function getAttribute of DOMElement is pure virtual.

virtual const XMLCh * getAttribute (const XMLCh *name) const =0
Retrieves an attribute value by name.

So instead of inheriting from DOMElement I replaced it by DOMElementImpl . It resolved the linking issue but now it core dumps in DOMElementImpl::setAttribute

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0xf7d627c7 in xercesc_3_1::DOMElementImpl::setAttribute () from /vobs/edg/edg_libs/EAS/linux/lib/

Can someone please help me on this issue ?