



Hi everybody, I have a little problem: I can't compose sql-query inside AR.

So, I have Project and Task models, Project has_many Tasks. Task has aasm-field (i.e. "status"; but it doesn't matter, i can be simple int or string field).

So, I want on my projects index page list all (last) projects and for every project I want count it's active, pending and resolved (for example) tasks.

Like this, just look:

  • First project (1 active, 2 pending, 10 resolved)
  • Second projects (4 active, 2 pending, 2 resolved)

So, sure I can do it with @projects = Project.all and then in view:

- @projects.each do |project| 
  = project.title
  = project.tasks(:conditions => {:status => "active"}).count #sure it should be in model, just for example
  = project.tasks(:conditions => {:status => "pending"}).count
  # ...
- end

This is good, but makes 1+N*3 (for 3 task statuses) queries, i want 1. The question is simple: how?.


I'd suggest using a counter cache in your project model to prevent needing to recount all tasks on each display of the index page - have an active_count, pending_count and resolved_count, and update them whenever the task changes state.

If you just want to modify your existing code, try:

project.tasks.count(:conditions => "status = 'active'")

You could also add a scope to your task model that would enable you to do something like:


Ok so I'm half asleep - got the wrong impression from your question :/

Yep, you can do it in one query - use find_by_sql to get your projects along with the grouped counts for the tasks. You'll be able to access the group counts in the resulting array of projects.

Mr. Matt
Have you any idea except counter_cache? I don't want to use them, so I'll use them in the last case. Thanks!

You could do a find with grouping and counting. Something like:

status_counts = project.tasks.find(:all, 
                                   :group => 'status', 
                                   :select => 'status, count(*) as how_many')

This will return you a list of Task-like objects with status and how_many attributes which you can then use to give your summary. E.g.

<%= { |sc| "#{sc.how_many} #{sc.status} }.to_sentence %>
I need something like exactly this, but I want to do something like @projects = >> current_user.projects.find(:all, :joins => :tasks, :select => "projects.*, count( as active", :group => "status")
but i really cannot divide active/inactive/etc.
I want to get something like ", projects.title, active_count, inactive_count, pending_count".
I'm not entirely confident you can just do one massive query to get you all the projects with all the task counts. If that is what you want then the counter_cache approach suggested by Mr. Matt is definitely the best.
If I would select only recent tasks, counter_cache will now work (or I should reload counters every day by cron). And yes, I really need exactly what you described. Thank you anyway!

Maybe you could, in your Project controller:

  1. Fetch all your projects: Project.all
  2. Fetch all your tasks: Task.all

Then, create a hash with something like

@statuses =
@tasks.each do |t|
  @statuses[:t.project_id][:t.status] += 1

And then use it in your view:

First project (<%= @statuses[:@project.object_id][:active] %> active)

This is not the prefect solution, but it is easy to implement and only use two (big) queries. Of course, this would re-create a hash every time, so you might want to look into database indexes or cache systems.

Also, named scopes would be interesting, like

There can be A LOT OF tasks, so I don't want to fetch all records, only COUNT() of them.

So, the right answer is:

Projects.all(:joins  => :tasks, 
             :select => 'projects.*, 
                         sum(tasks.status="pending") as pending_count, 
                         sum(tasks.status = "accepted") as accepted_count, 
                         sum(tasks.status = "rejected") as rejected_count', 
             :group  => '')