I have downloaded some sample code for openId in Joomla 1.5. I am learning as I go with this Joomla thing and re-learning some PHP things. So I'm basically terribly new to this entire Content Manager world. I am trying to make a little plug-in for authentication with openid but it seems to be just wrong.
I have successfully debugged the project in eclipse and found that the error comes from my jimport.
class plgAuthenticationOpenId extends JPlugin{
* OpenId Atributes.
private static $attribute;
private static $proxyHost;
private static $proxyPort;
private static $proxyUser;
private static $proxyPassword;
private static $appId;
private static $appPassword;
function plgAuthenticationOpenId(& $subject, $config){
parent::__construct($subject, $config);
plgAuthenticationOpenId::$appId=$this->params->get('userKey', '');
plgAuthenticationOpenId::$appPassword = $this->params->get('apiKey', '');
define('Auth_OpenID_RAND_SOURCE', null);
//Basic Attributes
plgAuthenticationOpenId::$attribute = array();
//more code messing with plgAuthenticationOpenId [...]
I have tried to put the library in the php include path, put it in the PEAR path, I have tried the required_once (it brakes there instead of in the jimport), I have tried to jimport the whole path and tried to use include directly. I have also defined the directory separator and the JPATH_BASE. Nothing seems to work.
I think this should have a very easy solution, as I have copy/pasted the code (not created it myself) and is a simple jimport. But nevertheless I’m new to this and stuck. So please, help.
Thanks a lot.