What is in my velocity.properties file
resouce.loader = string
string.resource.loader.description = Velocity StringResource Loader
string.resource.loader.class = org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader.StringResourceLoader
#string.resource.loader.repository.class = org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader.StringResourceRepositoryImpl
How I am trying to use it:
private static final void AddFileToRepo(String fileName, String fileData)
StringResourceRepository repo = StringResourceLoader.getRepository();
repo.putStringResource(fileName, fileData);
And I get
java.lang.IllegalStateException: RepositoryFactory was not properly set up
What is up? :)
Everything I read on the net says I'm doing this correctly. Is there some magical call I need to make before invoking this function for the first time?
Many thanks in advance SO! :)