



Before I implement something similar for the iPhone, I'm wondering if anyone has implemented something similar of the UIPopOverController for the iPhone. This is so far only available for iPad.


Basically the best way to do this is to implement custom UIAlertView subclasses that look/behave how you want, via custom animations and being able to click behind and disappear (if you want that functionality, as UIPopoverController has it)

Edit: you can also try using a view and presenting it modally, though the animations might not be what you are looking for.

Jesse Naugher

There's a reason UIPopoverController isn't a standard UI element on the iPhone, is that screen space is rather restricted. Having a popover, that's easily readable, implies that a fair amount of the iPhone screen will be taken up by the popover. Perhaps you should rethink your UI decision.

Maybe a coverVertical modal view?

Mike A
This is not true. There's an undocumented UICalloutView within MapKit that serves similar purpose. It doesn't need to be as large as the PopoverController, but just enough to display some well defined content view that I pass to it.
I guess I will re write the UICalloutView outside of MapKit. Thanks for the suggestion though.