



I keep looking for this answer online but I cannot find it.

I am trying to pass one record over a PL/pgSQL function. I tried it in two ways.

Fist way :

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION translateToReadableDate(mRecord dim_date%ROWTYPE) RETURNS void AS $$

That is the ouput :

psql:requestExample.sql:21: ERROR:  syntax error at or near "%"
LINE 1: ... FUNCTION translateToReadableDate(mRecord dim_date%ROWTYPE) ...

Second way :

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION translateToReadableDate(mRecord RECORD) RETURNS void AS $$

And there is the output

psql:requestExample.sql:21: ERROR:  PL/pgSQL functions cannot accept type record

Someone does know how to do this please ?

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION translateToReadableDate(mRecord dim_date) RETURNS void AS $$


    SELECT || ' (' || || ') ' ||   || 'is the ' || || ' week of the year. ' AS "Une phrase",,
    FROM dim_date dd
     JOIN dim_day ON dd.day_id = dim_day.day_id
     JOIN dim_day_in_month ON dd.day_in_month_id = day_in_month.day_in_month_id
     JOIN dim_week ON dd.week_id = dim_week.week_id
     JOIN dim_month ON dd.month_id = dim_month.month_id
     JOIN dim_quarter ON dd.quarter_id = dim_quarter.quarter_id
     JOIN dim_year ON dd.year_id = dim_year.year_id
    WHERE dd.day_id = mRecord.day_id
     AND dd.day_in_month_id = mRecord.day_in_month_id
     AND dd.week_id = mRecord.week_id
     AND dd.month_id = mRecord.month_id
     AND dd.quarter_id = mRecord.quarter_id
     AND dd.year_id = mRecord.year_id;

    $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Try this:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION translateToReadableDate(mRecord dim_date) RETURNS void AS $$

dim_date must be a table.


Ok, now I'm really really confused.

  1. A date should be a column, not a table. I can't understand why would you create a table with date values.
  2. You can format dates no problem with to_char. Read this: Data Type Formatting Functions to learn how to. That function you created makes zero sense.
  3. Are you outputting PL/pgSQL? Shouldn't the formatting be done by the middle tier? You should just return a Date from the database.

Lastly, I would recommend reading the PL/pgSQL Manual. There's lots of good stuff in there.

When I did what you told me, it did compile but I got a weird error#SELECT translateToReadableDate((SELECT * FROM dim_date LIMIT 1));ERROR: subquery must return only one columnLINE 1: SELECT translateToReadableDate((SELECT * FROM dim_date LIMIT... ^So it doesn't take a record as parameter. Thank you for helping me.
translateToReadableDate returns void and you're using it in a Select? What exactly are you doing? It doesn't make much sense. The function does take a record as a parameter I'm sure of that, it how you're using that's giving you the problem.
translateToReadableDate(mRecord)doesn't return anything true. It's just a kind of elaborated echo - I agree with you it might be not the best way - Inside it I just to a SELECT so I can see the output. Do you get what I am trying to do?
Not really, no. Everything you're doing is a bit weird. A table called dim_date, a translateToReadableDate function, how you're using it... You know you can format dates in PL/pgSQL right?.And why are you doing Select translateToReadableDate(...)? If you want to test the function just call the function. What you're doing is very confusing.
I put my query on my question. So I was calling translateToReadableDate() so I could display datas the way I wanted it. If this is not the good way to do it please inform me I am currently learning pl/pgsql and would like to start with right basics.
Thank again. But date are in the way I want them to be. I am implementing a snowflake schema for a further use with OLAP server that's why date are made like this.
Can't say it makes sense what you're doing, but to each it's own. You still don't need that function as there is a to_date function that can do what you want. Check the Data Type Formatting Functions.