




I have a tab-based application for windows, which I am developing by myself.

I would like to add a subtle gradient to the background of my tab control. How would I go around doing this? What is the best method for me to use?

I think that implementing a custom control that takes up the space of the tab control would work, but how would I then draw a gradient using GDI?

Thanks in advanced.

+2  A: 

To use GDI you'll need the GradientFill function. You can also use GDI+ to get gradients. Here's a plain GDI example:

TRIVERTEX        vert[2] ;
vert [0] .x      = 0;
vert [0] .y      = 0;
vert [0] .Red    = 0x0000;
vert [0] .Green  = 0x0000;
vert [0] .Blue   = 0x0000;
vert [0] .Alpha  = 0x0000;

vert [1] .x      = 100;
vert [1] .y      = 32; 
vert [1] .Red    = 0x0000;
vert [1] .Green  = 0x0000;
vert [1] .Blue   = 0xff00;
vert [1] .Alpha  = 0x0000;

gRect.UpperLeft  = 0;
gRect.LowerRight = 1;

As for the tab control, you could sub-class the control and override its non-client and client drawing handlers to render the gradient.

To sub class a control, first create the control and then replace its WNDPROC function:

OldWndProc = (WNDPROC)SetWindowLongPtr (hControl, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)NewWndProc);

then, in your new WNDPROC:

NewWndProc (usual args)
  switch message
  case paint:
    draw gradient
    return result

    return CallWindowProc (OldWndProc, ..args..); <- important!
I think you should put the `return CallWindowProc` call outside the switch, or the compiler might give a warning that "all control paths not returning..". +1 though, very extensive answer. And I did not know about the sub classing :)
+1 Thankyou for the detailed response. Looks very promising.
Alexander Rafferty
Could you point me to the right message(s) to handle. WM_PAINT?
Alexander Rafferty
I tried WM_PAINT, but I need something specific to the client area.
Alexander Rafferty
@Alexander: The painting of the client area is handled by the client, so you'll need to add the gradient code to the child windows of the tab control.

You can use GDI+ LinearGradientBrush:


GDI+ is available in WinXP and later Windows versions, may be installed also on previous Windows versions. GDI+ SDK is part of Windows SDK.

Alex Farber
+1  A: 

In the good old GDI, the GradientFill function does the gradient thing.
