I have the following code, which is supposed to add a shared_ptr instance to an intrusive linked list by thread A. Some other consumer thread will then use it later on by removing it from the list. However at a certain point my shared_ptr seems to get destroyed and the reference to it in the linked list is no longer valid resulting in an Assert.
Can someone enlighten me on what I am doing wrong? I suspect it is because I create my original shared_ptr in a local scope and it just gets destroyed. Although the List should still have a reference to it??? (This is NOT production code)
Defintiions of variables used:
BaseHookQueueList* lst;
typedef boost::intrusive::list<QueueList> BaseHookQueueList;
class QueueList : public boost::intrusive::list_base_hook<>
// Making my BaseHookQueueList take a shared_ptr of pointing to type QueueList conflicts // with the list_base_hook because it does not seem to like shared_ptr...
if (dwWait == WAIT_OBJECT_0) //Wait is successfull
while(count != 100)
//Some new request arrived
boost::shared_ptr<QueueList> Qlist (new QueueList()); //Create shared_ptr instance
int temp = 0;
if (count > 5)
Qlist->SetName(names[temp]); // Fill up name property of QueueList object with some nonsense...
workerfunc(lst, Qlist); // Pass to worker func
} // shared_ptr goes out scope and I get ASSERT error from list!!
void workerfunc(BaseHookQueueList* l, LIST item) // LIST is a typedef shared_ptr<QueueList> LIST
boost::mutex::scoped_lock workerfunclock(listlock);
l->push_front(*item); //Add to list
//Scope of lock
boost::mutex::scoped_lock workerfuncconsoleLock(consolelock);
printf("Adding item to list...\n");
ReleaseSemaphore(hConsumer, 1, NULL); // Set conumser Semaphore to Signalled with number of items currently on the queue