I am executing an ajax request using dojo, I have a call back function which has the response object. when i put an alert statement on the response object , it shows different in Firefox and safari. In Firefox it shows as a XMLDocument where as in Safari it shows as a Document. Due to this I am facing some problems in extracting the data out of XML. On putting the statements like response.getElementsByTagName("opensearch:totalResults") Firefox returns HTMLCollection object where as Safari return NodeList object and even when i check the length of these objects it shows different , for Firefox it shows 1 where as for safari it shows 0.Due to this i am not able to extract the data from the xml.
Here's the code snippet
BELOW is the function that makes the AJAX call :
function getPeople(){
hostName = document.wizardForm.hostName.value;
nameSearch = document.wizardForm.inviteeName.value;
startIndex = 1;
var searchUrl = "https://"+hostName+"/profiles/atom/search.do?name="+nameSearch;
page = '1';
var d = dojo.xhrGet({
error:function(response, ioArgs){
console.log("error", response, ioArgs);
function afterResponse(response){
alert("search result ::"+response);
var totalCollectionNode = response.getElementsByTagName("opensearch:totalResults");
alert("lenght ::"+totalCollectionNode.length);
totalRecords = response.getElementsByTagName("opensearch:totalResults")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
itemPerPage = response.getElementsByTagName("opensearch:itemsPerPage")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
var totalPages = Math.round(eval(totalRecords)/eval(itemPerPage));