OK so im using websockets to let javascript talk to python and that works very well BUT the data i need to send often has several parts like an array, (username,time,text) but how could i send it ? I originally though to encode each one in base64 or urlencode then use a character like | which those encoding methods will never use and then split the information. Unfortunately i cant find a method which both python and javascript can both do.
So the question, is there a encoding method which bath can do OR is there a different better way i can send the data because i havent really done anything like this before. (I have but AJAX requests and i send that data URL encoded). Also im not sending miles of text, about 100bytes at a time if that. thankyou !
Most comments point to JSON,so, Whats the best convert to use for javascript because javascript stupidly cant convert string to JSON,or the other way round.
Well jaascript does have a native way to convert javascript to string, its just hidden form the world. JSON.stringify(obj, [replacer], [space]) to convert it to a string and JSON.parse(string, [reviver]) to convert it back