Hi all,
I'm creating a small crypto app for the desktop using java.
I'm using JFrames (import javax.swing.JFrame) with Oracle JDeveloper 11g under Linux.
I want to have a "welcome" form/frame where users can choose their encryption method, and then on choosing the method, I want to dynamically create the appropriate form for the chosen encryption method and also destroy/free/dispose() of the welcome form. When the user has finished their encrypting, they should close the frame/form (either by clicking on the x at the top right - or using the Exit button or by any method) and the welcome frame should be dynamically recreated and appear.
I've tried various things - btnEncode_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) then this.dispose() - and I've fiddled with this_windowClosed(WindowEvent e) and dispose(), but nothing seems to work.
Even a workaround using setVisibl(true/false) would be acceptable at this stage - this has been wrecking my head all day. It's very easy to do in Delphi!
TIA and rgs,